The Christian Conservatism Principles
Christian conservatism, Imago Dei, human rights, free market, private property, freedomAbstract
Introduction: The article proposes a reading of Christian conservatism based on two theoretical foundations: Christian theology and classical liberalism. Objective: a treatise of Christian conservative principles is proposed, coming from an analytical-historical review
of case studies, and from the argumentative use of political and economic philosophical roots. Reflection: Christian conservative thought proposes three clear ideas: (i) the Imago Dei, as the basis for human rights, among the most important of which are life, liberty and private property; (ii) the depravity of the human being and the denial of the good savage, which constitutes the root for the construction of systems of controls in democratic political models; (iii) fair trade, proposed not as the redistribution of income or resources, but composed of effort and responsibility. Conclusions: the three ideas, namely: human rights, political systems with checks and balances, and fair trade, are transversal to the historical construction of the modern west and are transversal to liberal democracies.
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