Government and management
Política, Economía, Sistema, Empresa, DesigualdadAbstract
En este artículo se abordan conceptos que intentan captar “el retorno de lo poli?tico” como determinante en las relaciones actuales entre poli?tica y economi?a. Ese “retorno” no se ha dado de una vez por todas sino que aflora en diversos campos y en diverssos momentos, muchas veces como contracorriente o como contrevidente. Pero ni todos esos campos ni todos esos momentos se intentan analizar aqui? sino simplemente una mi?nima parte que se deja ver en las relaciones de la poli?tica y la economi?a y particularmente cuande e?sta intenta convertirse en paradigma de la primera.
Palabras clave: Poli?tica, Economi?a, Sistema, Empresa, Desigualdad.
This article deals with concepts that try to capture “the come back of the political” as a determinant in the current relations between politics and economy. This “come back” has not occurred once and for all, but emerges in various fields and in different moments, often as a countercurrent or as a result of theoretical or political discussions. But not all those fields or all those moments are tried to analyze here but simply a minimal part that is seen in the relations of politics and economics and particularly when this tries to become a paradigm of the first.
Keywords: Politics, Economics, System, Firm, Inequality.
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