The judge and the administration or impartition of justice in Colombia


  • Juan Carlos De los ríos Castiblanco Universidad del Atlántico



Administration, Impartition, Judge, Discretion, Justice


The debate surrounding the delivery or administration of justice in Colombia has taken different courses and has been approached from different positions. On the one hand, to understand that the weighting or valuation of rights must be given under the understanding of the administration so that an order is given would locate the judge as an administrator of justice; On the other hand, to understand the judge as interpreter of the norm beyond its literal tenor and thus apply it in a broader but rational sense within the discretion would place him as a justice provider. Thus, this paper takes up the classic debate on the role of the judge or administrator of justice, addressing the problem of the interpretation of law and its impact on the application and realization of justice beyond the cold paper throughout the history and within the framework of a Social State of Law for the resolution of legal problems.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos De los ríos Castiblanco, Universidad del Atlántico

    Abogado de la Universidad del Atlántico, Magister en Derecho Universidad del Norte, Investigador categoría Asociado Colciencias, Profesor de La Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia). miembro de los Grupo de investigación “Derecho y Territorio”.


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2018-01-25 — Updated on 2023-02-02




Research Articles

How to Cite

De los ríos Castiblanco J. C. . (2023). The judge and the administration or impartition of justice in Colombia. AD-GNOSIS, 7(7), 49-55. (Original work published 2018)