Dynamic Capabilities: Theoretical Reflection from the Strategy Field


  • Juan Carlos Robledo Fernández Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Francisco Vergara Streinesberger Institución Universitaria CEIPA
  • Jorge Del Rio Cortina Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
  • Omaira Cecilia Martínez Moreno Universidad Autónoma de Baja California




Capabilities, Resources, Competitive advantage, Organizational capabilities


Dynamic capabilities are the subject of study in the field of strategy. Its construct, although conceived at the beginning of the 20th century, has only been developed in depth since the 1990s.  Throughout the literature on the subject, various definitions can be found, mainly based on three approaches: innovation, contingent and capability building. On the other hand, dynamic capabilities have been finding converging points in their respective perspectives, especially in two key aspects: the first of these is that companies are required to continuously develop the capacity to adapt, and the second is that investing in their construction only makes rational sense if it is done from the perspective of the exploration of new knowledge that allows the continuous construction of new organizational capabilities.  In a world of rapid technological change and changes in consumption patterns, dynamic capabilities emerge as a criterion or construct within the field of strategy to try to explain how to create and make competitive advantage sustainable. 


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2020-12-12 — Updated on 2020-12-12



Research Articles

How to Cite

Robledo Fernández, J. C. ., Vergara Streinesberger, F. ., Del Rio Cortina, J. ., & Martínez Moreno, O. C. (2020). Dynamic Capabilities: Theoretical Reflection from the Strategy Field. AD-GNOSIS, 9(9), 21-31. https://doi.org/10.21803/adgnosis.9.9.434