Description of the current situation of the logistics system in the caribbean region of Colombia


  • Ronald Rodríguez Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Luis Fernando Landazury Villalba Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Elkyn Rafael Lugo Arias Universidad del Norte
  • Rigail Sandoval Reyes Corporación Universitaria Americana
  • Yesenia Patricia Jiménez Celín Institución Universitaria ITSA



Logistics system, communications, competitiveness, business development


The main purpose of this research is to describe the current situation of the logistics system in the Colombian Caribbean Region. It is a bet for the future, with great implications for the business, technological and, therefore, economic development of the Caribbean Region, which is intended to materialize in the construction of logistics platforms and in the operation of dry ports linked to traffic. railway and other logistics centers, it was found that the development of the logistics sector is closely linked to the challenge of establishing cross-border communications in the countries of the region surrounding Colombia, as well as related to the improvement of roadworthy communications. In conclusion, logistics and improved communications are a help for companies that want to internationalize and improve their competitiveness, since they favor economic exchanges and stimulate business relationships.


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2020-12-12 — Updated on 2020-12-12



Research Articles

How to Cite

Rodríguez, R. ., Landazury Villalba, L. F., Lugo Arias, E. R. ., Sandoval Reyes, R. ., & Jiménez Celín, Y. P. . (2020). Description of the current situation of the logistics system in the caribbean region of Colombia. AD-GNOSIS, 9(9), 83-95.