The force field around a culture of simplicity and empathy: management from people governance
Empathy, Simplicity, Strategy, MasteryAbstract
In a complex, volatile and ever-changing world, there
are challenges for management. changing, there are
challenges for the Administration, the Organizations and
for the Management. The main challenge challenge is
evidenced in the depletion of an administrative paradigm
paradigm based on traditional schemes under an
excessively analytical an excessively analytical, excessively
functional and excessively scientific rationality. It is
necessary, therefore, to and validate new paths towards a
more pertinent, coherent and capable of more relevant,
coherent and capable of dealing with complexity without
increasing it, in order to improve business performance
of the companies. In this order of ideas, simplicity and
empathy emerge as two opportunities for intervention in
companies, based on their organizational cultures.
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- 2021-12-01 (1)
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