Construction sector and Nicaraguan per capita income: an econometric explanation
GDP per capita, Construction investment, Economic growthAbstract
The endogenous growth theory explains the relationship of the variables per capita income (GDP per capita), in relation to the private building construction sector, incorporating this approach to the Nicaraguan analysis, through the INSS insured, area effectively constructed and imports per unit of capital for construction. During the period 2006-2019, Nicaraguan GDP per capita showed an increasing trend, as did INSS insured persons in the sector, with a slight downward inflection in 2009, while the areas actually constructed of private buildings Showed fluctuations with a substantial drop in 2009, 2010 and 2018. On the other hand, imports per unit of capital for construction reflect a contraction in 2009, subsequently reflecting an increasing trend, except for 2018. The econometric estimation identifies the study typology with a quantitative approach, of explanatory scope, evidencing the postulates of the reference theories, being relevant the result of the variable area effectively built, which has a
negative effect on the dependent variable.
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