Impact of schooling on the gender wage gap in Ecuador during 2010-2020




Wage gaps, Education, Inequality, Gender


Globally, gender wage gaps are very latent, where women continue to be the most affected by receiving lower salaries than men, even with equal job characteristics. The objective of this research focused on determining the effect of schooling on gender wage gaps in the 24 provinces of Ecuador during 2010-2020. Data were collected from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment (ENEMDU) of the National Institute of Statistics and Census [INEC] (2021). The Oaxaca-Blinder method (1973) and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) were used as econometric process. The results obtained indicate that there is a direct relationship between income and academic level; and an indirect relationship between salaries and experience. On the other hand, the salary decomposition showed the existence of salary discrimination against the female gender. Likewise, the matching by score indicated that the academic level does have a contractive effect on wage gaps. With the results obtained, it is recommended that policy makers encourage greater participation of women in
administrative positions, through operating regulations,
strategic agreements and public-private cooperation, thus contributing to the reduction of gender inequality.


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How to Cite

Guillen, M., & Ortiz, C. (2022). Impact of schooling on the gender wage gap in Ecuador during 2010-2020. AD-GNOSIS, 11(11), 1-23. (Original work published 2023)