Evaluation of Innovation Capabilities for Implementation of Additive Manufacturing of Metals at a Production Center. A Case Study
advanced manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing of Metal ., fourth industrial revolution, case study, innovation capabilitiesAbstract
Colombia faces technological, economic, environmental and cultural changes about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Therefore, the National Government and the National Service for Learning – SENA -, are undertaking efforts to incorporate technologies to enable a digital and interconnected world. Thus, this paper seeks to identify the main challenges faced by SENA with regards to the application of Additive Manufacturing of Metals in the different sectors of the economy, and the implementation of training programs to contribute to the development thereof. Consequently, a case study is developed through evaluation of capabilities, identifying challenges and proposing an action plan for the institution. The results represent evidence regarding the main challenges faced by the CTMA -Center for Advanced Manufacturing-, regarding AMM. The findings enable identifying critical aspects for implementation and identification of technologies for strategic companies in the manufacturing sector and, additionally, that the CTMA has no formal structure for AMM, strategic planning, procedures, nor responsible parties to channel information and industry demands.
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