Incidence of the organizational dynamics in the development of the new knowledge in the universities


  • Yuleida Ariza Universidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla
  • Magda Andrea Monsalve Peláez Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Nery Gamboa Caicedo Universidad Simón Bolívar



Organizational dynamics, Knowledge Management, Universities



At present and in the face of the emergence of new technologies with innovative trends in which knowledge is a fundamental axis to promote development in societies, it is necessary to understand the ways of transferring it, making it an added value for companies; that is why this paper aims to study the relationship between organizational dynamics that affect the development of new knowledge in universities, as an internal source to generate competitive advantage. In its preparation, the descriptive method was used, supported by the documentary review, with a qualitative approach, which provides depth to the study, necessary because it is a phenomenon with scarce background and high social impact, justifying its relevance and validating its commitment to social responsibility. As findings, it is emphasized that organizational capacities represent a predominant factor in the development of new knowledge because rethinking implies permanent research processes. It was concluded that within the factors that influence the organizational dynamics for the creation of new knowledge, it is transformational planning, capable of generating actions that respond to the systemic approach of society, whose innovative knowledge provides a variety of solutions to complex problems.


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Author Biographies

  • Yuleida Ariza, Universidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla

    Contador Público, Revisor Fiscal, Magister en Educación, Doctorante en Administración. Docente investigador. ORCID iD es 0000-0001-9430-2234

  • Magda Andrea Monsalve Peláez, Universidad Simón Bolívar

    Doctor en Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones Magister en Administración de empresas, profesora de planta e investigadora de la Universidad Simón Bolívar

  • Nery Gamboa Caicedo, Universidad Simón Bolívar

    Magister en tributación, Especialista en revisoría fiscal, especialista en finanzas, Contador Público, Consultora en Tributación y Normas Internacionales en Información Financiera.


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— Updated on 2023-02-02




Research Articles

How to Cite

Ariza, Y. ., Monsalve Peláez, M. A. ., & Gamboa Caicedo, N. . (2023). Incidence of the organizational dynamics in the development of the new knowledge in the universities. AD-GNOSIS, 7(7), 11-21. (Original work published 2018)