About the Journal


Pensamiento Americano Journal with ISSN-e: 2745-1402 (online) is a scientific publication that since 2024 changes to a continuous publication mode with quarterly cuts (January-April, May-August, September-December), indexed in different databases and aggregators with national and international content. It publishes unpublished research articles, reflections or theoretical reviews that contribute to the spectrum of scientific knowledge in the broad area of Social Sciences defined by the OECD. 

Pensamiento Americano is aimed at academics, researchers and other actors of the scientific community in the areas of the Social Sciences, such as: Law, Anthropology, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Cultural Studies, Economics, Political Science, Pedagogy, Social Work, etc.

The articles to be published are refereed by a minimum of two experts in the topics covered by the articles. In case there is no consensus in the acceptance or rejection, a third expert will be consulted under the double-blind modality, which means that the referees will not be known to the author and vice versa.

All articles received in Pensamiento Americano, are submitted to a preliminary review process, which is developed by the editorial team, this endorses or not the continuity of the editorial management, they are also subjected to anti-plagiarism review, after this process is assigned two referees experts in the subject matter contained in the writing, in the event that the two evaluators approve or reject the article will be given continuity or discontinuity to the process, In the event that one approves and the other disapproves the article, it is submitted to a third evaluation who will disapprove or approve the continuity of the article in the editorial management, at the end the editorial committee decides which articles will be published in the editions that are being edited. It is important to describe that the opinions of the referees will present the following options: Accept the article as is; Accept the article with some suggestions; The article could be accepted but with an extensive revision; Do not accept.


Disseminate the scienti c production of academics and national and international scholars in interdisciplinary social sciences, through the publication of original research, re ection or review articles according to a scienti c and editorial quality policy based on the ethical principles valid for scienti c publications. e ultimate purpose of the journal is thus to achieve the highest rank and a wide circulation.


The journal aims at being recognized for its high quality publications and for its rank in di erent databases, in order to become a valuable reference for scienti c research in the social sciences.


It is a scientific journal under the modality of continuous publication with quarterly cuts (January-April, May-August, September-December). It is developed in the fields of knowledge of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Its purpose is to encourage and disseminate written research to promote and enrich the multiple debates that are stirred around the Social Sciences.


Rules for submitting articles

Pensamiento Americano Journal publishes research, reflection, review and book reviews as proposed by COLCIENCIAS through PUBLINDEX typology.

a) Articles of scientific and technological research or reports of original empirical studies.

These express in detail original scientific research results completed, and the following chapters or sections are stipulated as content: Introduction (problem statement, background development, objectives, aims and foundations of the research); Method (methodology, participants, tools or instruments, procedure); Results (rigorous, comprehensive and sufficient report of information obtained from the application of instruments, from a statistical analysis or interpretation if it was qualitative) that is supported in tables and figures with its respective titles and sequential numbering in order of appearance –are assumed as figures graphs, drawings, photographs– interpretive tables); Discussion (findings must be evaluated from the –theoretical– basics of research and from its meaning in the same context from which it obtained, its implications or importance, scope and limitations, in addition to the possible investigations that would result from them). Integration is also accepted, first between results with their arguments, and between conclusions and recommendations. While there, a section entitled Conflict of Interest should be opened where the authors account for them, whether these are economic, political, religious or any other grounds. They can also express the respective acknowledgements to individuals and/or institutions contributed to the development of research that led to the synthesis paper presented. Finally References are presented in strict alphabetical order and in strict accordance with the quoted within the text of the article, following the structure established by the American Pshychological Association (APA) style.

b) Reflection article. Document stating results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, going to original sources.

c) Review article. Document result of a completed research analyzing, systematizing and integrating the results of published or unpublished researches, on a field of science or technology, in order to account for the progresses and development trends. It is characterized by a careful and thorough literature review of at least 50 authors.

d) Book reviews. Its size should not exceed two pages and its language must be attached to scientific rigor.

  • Articles should be sent to email: pensamientoamericano@americana.edu.co, C.C.: cmon- talvo@coruniamericana.edu.co or delivered on a CD at the following address: Corporación Universitaria Americana, Calle 72 Cra 41C-64 (Esquina), Barranquilla, Colombia, with the following features:

Letter Font Times New Roman, size 12 points, double-spaced text, left justified, except in tables and figures.

Author(s) submitting an article to the Pensamiento Americano Journal fill the format of article pre- sentation which says that the article is not being evaluated in another journal, also supports that the document is unpublished or original.

The economic rights of the articles that are accepted for publication in Pensamiento Americano Journal are granted by the author(s) to the publishing house to be published and distributed in printed form and on the website of the Journal. However, as required by law, the author(s) keep their moral rights.

Articles must present a correspondence between citations and references considering publishing standards of the American Pshychological Association (APA).

For more information Pensamiento Americano Journal suggests consulting APA style.