Politics ethics

Editorial policy Statement of ethics

Following the guidelines of the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), the editorial team of the magazine Pensamiento Americano agrees to: be responsible for everything published, try to meet the needs of readers and authors, strive to continually improve the magazine, defend freedom of expression, maintain the integrity of academic records, be always available to publish corrections, clari cations, retractions and apologies when necessary, and privilege the ethical and intellectual criteria above others. erefore, in our work we will give priority to peer review and expert guidance, to strengthen academic research and support initiatives designed to reduce misconduct in publishing processes as well as the education of researchers on publication ethics.

Regarding the authors and taking into account the guidelines of COPE, Pensamiento Americano underlines that: the reviewers decision to accept or reject a paper for publication are based on its importance, originality and clarity, without forgetting the validity of the study and its relevance. e editors of the magazine will not reverse decisions to accept the publication of manuscripts, unless serious problems arise in the process. Furthermore, Pensamiento Americano describes its peer review process publicly, and the editors are prepared to account for any signi cant exception to such process. In addition, Pensamiento Americano will publish author guidelines specifying what is expected from an author.

All actors involved in the editorial and management process are responsible for conforming their procedures and methodologies to the international ethical codes of scienti c research in the social sciences. is procedure is referred to in the publishing contract established between the author and the members of the journal when an article is submitted to Pensamiento Americano.

e authors must provide a written statement, through the letter of presentation of the article, that the publication is submitted to the editorial process and the evaluation of the reviewers. ey must also sign the transfer of the author’s economic rights and the declaration of con icts of interest, taking full responsibility for ethical violations in which they may have incurred. Similarly, the au- thors are required to report eventual con icts of interest that may appear in their work.

Pensamiento Americano rejects all articles that implicitly or explicitly make use of experiences, methods, procedures or any other activity that do not conform to ethical standards or that include discriminatory, o ensive, or aggressive evaluations, etc.; or those that do not clearly state an exist- ing con ict of interest.

the publisher is committed to act in a neutral and objective way, without any sexual, ethnic, religious, or political bias with regards to the authors, and to respect human rights. It is also com- mitted to publish academic contributions based exclusively on their merit, regardless of any com- mercial consideration or con ict of interest. e editorial team keeps up-to-date regarding rules of intellectual property and copyright, enforcing their compliance.

Furthermore, Pensamiento Americano complies with the regulations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which applies to Colombia through the decision 351/1993 of the Commission of the Cartagena Agreement and the Law 23/1982. 

See complete policy: PDF