Women in the art of piano in the XX century of the northeast region of Me?xico
Piano, jóvenes pianistas, enseñanza, interpretación, concursos de piano, noreste mexicano, mujerAbstract
En Me?xico, a trave?s de los siglos, como en muchos otros pai?ses, el papel tradicional de la mujer fue ser esposa, madre y ama de casa; por lo tanto, no teni?an acceso a la educacio?n. Las jo?venes de familias pudientes estudiaban artes y mu?sica, en particular como entretenimiento. La mu?sica no se consideraba una profesio?n, no habi?a escuelas de mu?sica y algunas academias o maestros particulares llenaban el vaci?o. En este contexto el me?rito especial es para aquellas mujeres que tomaron la decisio?n de participar en la vida social, cultural y poli?tica de la sociedad en que vivi?an. Su aporte a la educacio?n, a la difusio?n de arte musical y, en particular, piani?stico en la regio?n de noreste, no se ha valorado lo suficiente a pesar del gran empen?o, entusiasmo y entrega que ellas demostraron. En este arti?culo se abordara? el papel de la mujer en la piani?stica del siglo XX en el noreste de Me?xico, a partir de los siguientes cuestionamientos: ¿Quie?nes fueron estas mujeres que realizaron la labor educativa en el a?mbito musical y piani?stico en el noreste de Me?xico en el siglo XX? ¿Quie?nes fueron las mujeres que hicieron del piano su profesio?n y resultaron de gran vali?a en la difusio?n de arte de piano y del repertorio piani?stico en la zona de referencia?
Palabras clave: Piano, jo?venes pianistas, ensen?anza, interpretacio?n, concursos de piano, noreste mexicano, mujer.
Over the centuries in Mexico, such as in many other countries, the traditional role of women has been that of being a housewife and a mother; therefore, they had no access to education. Young women from rich families studied art and music, mostly as entertainment. Music wasn’t considered a profession, there were no music schools, and some academies or private teachers filled that void. In this context, particular merit is made for those women who took the decision to participate in the social, cultural and political life of the society they belonged to.
Their contribution to education, spreading of the musical arts, and specially pianism in the northeast region hasn’t been appreciated enough, despite the great effort, enthusiasm and devotion they demonstrated. This article takes an approach on the role of women within the piano studies during the XX century in the northeast of Mexico from the following questions: Who were the women who made the educational work in the musical and pianistic field in the northeast of Mexico during the XX century? Who were the women who made piano their profession and turned out of great importance for the dissemination of piano arts and the pianistic repertoire in the region of reference?
Keywords: piano, young pianists, teaching, interpretation, piano competitions, Mexican northeast, women
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