Español Social development, a factor for mitigating crime in the Colombian Pacific
Drug trafficking, Mitigation, Social developmentAbstract
Objective: The Colombian Pacific region is a zone of conflict between the illegal smuggling of drug trafficking and the coexistence of illegal armed groups. To date, the State has promoted in its security policy a development of military and police actions to address this phenomenon within its anti-drug policy agenda. However, the conditions of underdevelopment in the region are multipliers of the threat and the means to overcome it have not been effective. Objective: In this study it is proposed that actions aimed at promoting social development, without relying on prohibitionist or legalistic routes towards drugs that are assumed, will allow the inhabitants to decide between legality or illegality, as opportunities for regional integration will be created. In this way, it will be possible to move f rom military control to institutional control of the territory. Method and methodology: This descriptive and qualitative research are to be able to understand that the problems circulating in the peaceful region are not only an application of force to return security to the territory, but also the need for comprehensive solutions with a social factor that returns that fabric to national ownership for development. Conclusions and results: In this sense, it is possible to perceive that the lack of opportunities in a depressed social environment requires special attention f rom the government to base a change of culture of illegality as a measure of hope and social recovery.
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- 2024-06-11 (3)
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