Relation between adolescence conflicts and the social abilities on teenagers of a educative institution in Risaralda
Adolescence, conflicts, Family, Problems, social abilitiesAbstract
This is a quantitative study, analytical empirical and cross section that had as an objective to find relation between the main conflicts in the adolescence and the social abilities in teenagers from a educative institution from Santa Rosa de Cabal in Risaralda; for this the social
ability test of Goldstein (1999) was applied and a check list with the main problems that identify the adolescents. The results indicate that 9 from 10 teenagers have good social skills and 7 to 20 use them, so they are conscientiously competent. The primary problem are: the parents and brothers regarding to authority, self-esteem issues, shyness and social acceptance difficulty and video games addiction. There are no difference by gender, neither by social abilities nor by adolescence conflicts. The teenagers with openness to the world with equal nucleus and stable families and functional present better social abilities. There is a direct relation between social abilities and interpersonal relations, this influence
to solve conflict on adolescents.
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- 2020-06-15 (5)
- 2020-06-01 (4)
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