Conciliation and mediation as a tool useful for the building of peace - a contribution from the legal offices
Conflict Theory, Conciliation, Mediation, Legal OfficesAbstract
This article aims to address self-conflict methods of conflict resolution especially the conciliation and the mediation rescuing the importance of the analysis of the conflict theory to identify the factors, elements and causes that generate it, as a point of reference for the construction of effective solutions to address the problems of society, rescuing interdisciplinarity as a useful tool not only for the management of the conflict but for the contribution to the restoration of the relationship between the parties. This research was developed under a qualitative, descriptive approach, with the use of hermeneutics, and using as a scientific paradigm the critical theory. Likewise, a descriptive review was carried out that aims to address conciliation and mediation from the conflict theory. In conclusion, we saw that the implementation of the Alternative Mechanisms of conflict resolution, especially conciliation and mediation are useful tools to manage conflict resolution in a peaceful way and rescue the values of the community by improving their interactions, On the other hand, there are institutions of higher education that through their legal offices can through the implementation of these mechanisms and including interdisciplinarity to intervene in the problems of the community, to promote a culture of peace and reconciliation that contributes to the reconstruction of the social fabric.
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- 2020-06-16 (7)
- 2020-06-01 (6)
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