An Approach to the Colombian Senate from Biopolitics
Biopolitics, Animal Behavior, Political Party, SenateAbstract
Regarding biopolitics, it has adopted two contrasting meanings, one based on the philosopher Michael Foucault, which associated this concept with control, that is, how from political power human life can be structured and controlled. On the other hand, biopolitics have also been defined as a subdiscipline that has the basis of incorporating life sciences with political science, comparing the different phenomena and political behaviors based on biology, genetics, evolutionary theories, neurosciences, among others, aiming at a better understanding OF the various political phenomena. From the previous clarification the following article points out analyzing the Colombian Senate (2014 -2018) taking into account the biopolitical approach, examining the behavior of the political parties that have been taken part in, comparing it with different animal behaviors, with the aim of using a novel and poorly implemented perspective in the field of Political Science
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