Great universe of language
Language, Thought, Ability, CommunicationAbstract
Introduction and objective: in this article we analyze the possibility of extending the application of the concept of language, beyond the human as subject and possessor of this, including animals -not human- within its widest definition. Method or methodology: first, a review is made of some epistemological contributions related to the theory of language in its philosophical, psychological and linguistic dimension. Subsequently, the constitutive elements of the theories are reviewed, seeking to identify those positions that imply a conceptual confusion of the elements that make up the totality of the concept of language, to finally establish Conclusions and results: there is an assimilation between what is meant by language and language, which has led to the exclusion of animals -not human- in the category of language holders, when it is a question of the lack of a structured and systematized language on the part of the latter
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