Shared disability: a commitment to inclusive deaf-hearing communication from assistive technology
Sign language, Assistive Technology, Significant, Disability, Deaf communityAbstract
Introduction: The approach to disability has moved from an individualistic model to a social model whose understanding focuses on the subject-environment interaction; For this reason, the article presented gives an account of a research process that had as its. Objective: to describe the incidence of a translation application of signifiers into Colombian Sign Language
in the deaf-hearing relationship as an inclusive communication strategy in Ibagué (Colombia). Method and/or methodology: it was approached from a mixed descriptive approach and had the participation of ten (10) subjects with hearing disabilities and ten (10) listeners: relatives, teachers and educational peers. Results: From the applied instruments that made reference to the structured interview and the survey, it was found in the latter (on which the results of this document deal), that the application in question has contributed to reducing the communication gaps and the existing social distancing due to the different linguistic codes that each population group uses, revealing a shared disability insofar as deaf and hearing are contextually excluded from the communicative plot due to their interactional differences. Conclusions: the translator of signifiers contributes to the mitigation of traditional communication barriers that for years have marked the deaf and have relegated them to exclusion, where the limitation is not in the language as such but in the primacy of communicative forms. of some (hearing) over others (deaf).
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