Project-based learning in the subject Strategies of Operations




Project-based learning, business simulation, Skills development, self-study


Introduction: Project-based learning in a teaching strategy that promotes experiential and situated learning in students. Objective: the objective of this research is to know the perception of students regarding the implementation of Project-Based Learning (ABP) in the subject of Operations Strategies at the Universidad del Norte in the period 2020-03. Method: a quantitative research method was implemented to 65 students using a form with both open and closed Likert-type questions as a tool, where inquiries are made about their degree of satisfaction and position regarding  various aspects related to the subject. Results: show a high degree of student satisfaction with the online class methodology as well as with the business simulation exercise framed in the PBL, in such a way that they find the exercise useful for learning the subject and related topics. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the changes and improvements had a positive effect on the variables studied, specifically on satisfaction with the learning experience and motivation.


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2023-05-29 — Updated on 2023-05-30


How to Cite

Domínguez Santiago, M., Bruges Martinez, L., Cervantes Wilches, A., & Porto Solano, A. (2023). Project-based learning in the subject Strategies of Operations. Pensamiento Americano, 16(31), 1-19. (Original work published 2023)