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Participation of women in ministerial cabinets of democratically elected women presidents in Latin America




Gender, Politics


Introduction: There are State policies that can contribute to increasing the participation of women in public life, one of which is the gender quotas implemented by some countries in this century. The idea that women and men have the same capacity
to occupy leadership positions deserves a study of the conditions in which they access management positions. Objective: To describe the participation of women in the ministerial cabinets of the six democratically elected presidents in Latin America. Methodology: Qualitative-descriptive, based on documentary analysis. Results:
The ministerial cabinets described were characterized by a relatively low presence of women, with high participation as in the case of Costa Rica, and low in Nicaragua. In addition, it was found that the duration of the ministers in their positions on average was
short and that the ministries in which they were appointed are mostly not the ones with the greatest visibility and importance due to their performance. Conclusions: Female participation in female presidents’ cabinets was relatively weak due to the preference
that continues to exist for male leaders.


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2024-06-13 — Updated on 2024-06-17


How to Cite

Camargo Mayorga, D. A., Ruiz Acosta, L. E., & Lara Bernal, W. (2024). Participation of women in ministerial cabinets of democratically elected women presidents in Latin America. Pensamiento Americano, 17(33), e-624.