Psychosocial action as praxis in psychology: Insights from professional practices
Social Transformation, Psychosocial Intervention, Social Interaction, Professional PracticeAbstract
Introduction: In recent decades psychology has transcended the ways of understanding human, so that contextual interpretation and analysis is carried out from a psychosocial perspective, which can be evidenced at the formative level in the development of
professional practices. Objective: To understand the perceptions of students and graduate psychologists around psychosocial action and praxis from the context of practices at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD). Methodology: Descriptive qualitative study, in which 32 people selected through a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience participated. The semi-structured interview and the focus group were used. The information processing was carried out through thematic analysis. Results: Psychosocial action is evidenced as an approach perspective characterized by interaction and the ability to transform a problematic situation where the professional exercises a horizontal role privileging subjective and collective knowledge, defined by the implementation of alternative methodologies that entail a reflexive character.
Conclusions: Psychosocial action as an interactional and transformational process enables an expansion of perspectives and imaginary conceptions on practice beyond the clinical-private sphere.
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