Model to promote Urban Agriculture based on SDG 2 and 11in the District of Barranquilla
Urban agriculture, self-sufficiency, food security, sustainable development goals and sustainable citiesAbstract
Introduction: Urban agriculture has its roots in the 1950s, when the war forced peasants to abandon their land and migrate to the cities, which were dominated by the convenience of canned food. These agricultural traditions have been passed down keeping the legacy of urban agriculture. Objective: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) highlights five crucial points: balance between population growth and economic growth; the detriment of forests, savannahs and wetlands; the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, the overexploitation of the oceans and the accelerated use of fossil fuels. Reflection: the article seeks to expose the arguments presented by FAO which have led 193 countries to join efforts searching for effective solutions to counteract the devastating impacts of these practices. Conclusion: Among the purposes of this reflection is the generation of awareness to care for the environment to ensure a sustainable future. Therefore, creating models to promote Urban Agriculture as a strategy in the consolidation of the goals of SDG #2 (Zero Hunger) and #11 (Sustainable Development Goal) in the District of Barranquilla, can be one of the proposals to mitigate damage to the environment, help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.
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