The configuration processes of the modern territorial State: Elements to rethink the conception of blackcommunities in Colombia
Communities, Cultural anthropology, Ethnic groups, Social science policyAbstract
Introduction: Colombian black communities have been subjected to various homogenization processes that, based mainly on the phenotypic and the supposedly
common historically, have made their particular trajectories and needs invisible. Objective: the objective of this article is to reflect on the conception and production of black communities in Colombia, based on qualitative methodology, documentary, bibliographic and thematic analysis. Reflection: it was possible to establish the process of formation of the State/modern/territorial, making evident the isomorphic fact that has sought to maintain an equivalence between territory, community and culture. At the
same time, question the notion of homogeneity of an ethnic community with different histories and contexts. Conclusions: localized thinking was reflected on, which results in an understanding of the territorial dynamics of ethnic groups and with them, the need for their recognition and policy measures that allow their existence to be maintained and preserved with guarantees.
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