Territorial imbalances in the Department of Cauca
Cultural anthropology, Economic and social development, Ethnic groups, Human geography, Latin AmericaAbstract
Introduction: the complex historical evolution of the Department, the transitions of power, the geographical and social disparities, as well as the current state of the territory, come together and configure a complex scenario for understanding its future. In a context severely affected by social, economic, ethnic and land tenure conflicts, which present a greater intensity than in the majority of the territorial spaces that make up the country, it is necessary to examine the indicators with which the government defines the levels of regional development. Objective: the study was aimed at taking a look at the realities that configure material spaces, based on spatialization, the theory of uneven geographical development and analysis of the main historical categories. Reflection: the text reflects on the processes of resistance to traditional economic modeling under the support of social organizations of an ethnic-territorial nature, proposes and explores new frameworks of analysis that allow a comprehensive approach to what Cauca is and calls for, as well as points out critical points to transform. Conclusions: The research conducted shows the need for a call for new interdisciplinary studies, which give voice to social, economic and regional actors who have been made invisible by the centers of power and decision-making that is foreign to them.
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