Local development planning in the municipality of Santiago Texcalcingo, Oaxaca, Mexico
Local development, Planning, Santiago Texcalcingo, OaxacaAbstract
Objective: To identify the main social, economic and environmental problems in Santiago Texcalcingo (Oaxaca, Mexico). Methodology: qualitative-descriptive, by means of participatory action research participatory action research (PAR), taken and adapted from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Results: it is observed that Santiago Texcalcingo, through its municipal development
plan, has identified the main problems in the axes welfare for all, honest government, security and peace, as well as growth and development, in which it is necessary the participation of the different actors of the municipality with the purpose of generating and proposing alternatives for the development of the municipality and propose alternative solutions to provide wellbeing and promote integral local development. Conclusion: Local development planning is a useful tool to identify the lines of action to be followed in order to establish strategies to achieve the proposed objectives.
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