Subjective well-being and health-related quality of life in young university students
Emotions, loneliness, mental health, physical conditionAbstract
Introduction: Research on the subjective well-being and quality of life of young people should guide health promotion strategies in a comprehensive manner. Objective: to identify the relationship between subjective well-being and health-related quality of life in young university students. Methodology: The research was quantitative, with an observational design and correlational scope. To evaluate the study variables, the PERMA profile questionnaire and the SF-12 physical health questionnaire were used. 302 students participated in the study, of which 72.8% were women and 27.2% men. Results: Students generally have good levels of subjective well-being and quality of life, however, it was observed that negative emotions and loneliness obtain moderately high scores. Regarding quality of life, it was observed that vitality and social function are the dimensions that most affect the health of university students. If there is a relationship between subjective well-being and quality of life. Conclusions: Special attention should be paid to the emotional, mental and physical environment of young university students, because they are the aspects that most affect their well-being and health.
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