Economic and sociological determinants of crime in Colombia
From the panel data for the Regions of Colombia 1993-2013, the crime rate (homicide and theft) was estimated using the method of ordinary least squares, based on the model developed by Ehrlich (1973). In this way, it was possible to minimize econometric problems, such as the endogeneity of the explanatory variables, and measurement errors due to the omission of real crime rates. The regressions allow us to conclude that the degree of poverty, measured in terms of the NBI, generates a negative effect on the crime rate; population density has positive effects for the crimes of homicide and theft; likewise, the schooling rate positively affects common theft; The police efficiency rate is significant, but not for the Gini coefficient, for homicide crimes and not for theft. The regional fixed effects show the specific characteristics of the regions of Colombia do not explain the differences in crime rates.
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- 2019-07-19 (2)
- 2019-06-22 (1)
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