The promotion of healthy lifestyles in higher education. Their different visions
University, Habit, Lifestyle, Health, StudentAbstract
Introduction: Lifestyles are related to the usual behaviors that characterize the way of life of a person, the adoption of behaviors that endanger both present and future health, are the cause of a third of diseases in the adult population, making it in essential concern for the university community, especially in the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" (UPR) for its social responsibility, expressed in its corporate purpose. Results and Conclusions: To this end, the training program for health promoters and healthy lifestyles that is developed at the University includes the development of different educational actions: information about drugs, promotion of healthy habits and lifestyles, promotion of emotional self-control, training to successfully face the problems of daily life and resistance to social pressures towards tobacco
and alcohol consumption, as well as the development of safe sexual practices
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- 2021-12-30 (2)
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