Efficiency, state of unconstitutional things about displaced population rights in Colombia
Dialogical Activism, Judicial Activism, State of Unconstitutional Things, Constitutional Guarantees, Displaced Population, Principle of EffectivenessAbstract
This article elaborates an analysis and description of the state of unconstitutional things about forced displacement victims in Colombia, declared through the decree T-025 and the resolution 373 of 2016, by a general panorama, where the study of this structural failure expose the circumstances that displaced people are in when the T-02/04 was announced, the evolution of its events and governmental acts facing the Constitutional Court response, in this way new categories that describe the socio-juridical phenomenon and its development are proposed, presenting "The New State of Unconstitutional Things".
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- 2020-06-15 (7)
- 2020-06-01 (6)
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