Homicide by drunk motor vehicle drivers
Dolo, Dogma, alcohol, drunkenness, conduct, thought, normsAbstract
The repeated and already common cases of deaths due to drunk drivers in the country have naturally generated a rejection of society, this because in most cases the consequences are catastrophic, since the victim almost always ends up with the affectation of one of the organs and / or extremities or in the worst case and how we can show in our daily living with the same death. Criminal law has not been oblivious to focusing its gaze on those factual assumptions, taking into account that, the punitive power of the State, in an attempt to safeguard the legal rights of its citizens, must intervene in circumstances in which there is injury or risk to good legally protected "LIFE AND PERSONAL INTEGRITY", specifically. The Supreme Court of Justice (process 32964 of 2010), after ruling on the punitive treatment that should be given to the perpetrators of said conduct, suggested an interpretation that for the judges, and dogmatists of criminal law, it has triggered all kinds of debates where we find supporters and detractors, loves and heartbreaks, in the sense that for some scholars of criminal dogma it is too broad an interpretation in which ambiguities may arise. In this writing we will carry out a clear and deep analysis in order to be able to answer what type of subjective imputation we consider to be attributed to a subject who commits a homicide while driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
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- 2020-12-15 (2)
- 2020-11-30 (1)
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