Profile of the public administrator in Colombia: a view from industry 4.0 and the social appropriation of knowledge
Public administration, knowledge management, social appropriation of knowledge, industry 4.0Abstract
Introduction: Restructuring aspects within public organizations, one of them was the issue of professionalization of the public service, although this was initially raised for the high bureaucracy, as a starting point for managerial reform. Objective: The purpose of the article is to reflect on the relationship of the profile of the public administrator in Colombia from the social appropriation of knowledge and the challenges that industry 4.0 implies. Reflection: For both industry 4.0 and the social appropriation of knowledge, the profile of the Public Administrator is based on research and technological development and innovation in the organization and management of the State, citizenship and construction of the public. Conclusions: they correspond to the challenges of the profile of the professional in Public Administration, which must be clearly noticed the bet of what it implies to be located in the orientation of the methods and / or methodologies of research focused on the appropriation of knowledge and the use of technologies related to industry 4.0 that should lead to innovative products and services.
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