The concept of "fraternity" as a democratic value in mexican politics
Fraternity, Democracy, Politics, Democratic values, Democratic stateAbstract
Introduction: it is intended to demonstrate that fraternity as a democratic value and as a concept that must be applied to the Mexican reality is not so. Objective: to show that, by not fully applying fraternity, the other two values of democracy (freedom and equality) are harmed to the detriment of Mexican democracy as a form of government. Materials and method: analysis in the national political context, based on the ineffective action of the state authorities that has caused social discontent and citizen mistrust and starts from the conceptual analysis of the aforementioned values as units of both theoretical and legal discourse. Results and conclusions: despite the fact that fraternity is not expressly codified in the law, the concepts of freedom, equality, respect, dignity, general interest, non-discrimination, solidarity, human rights, etc., refer to it directly, in addition to that it can be more important than freedom and equality and that ethical and moral aspects can be the basis for considering the other and thus avoiding individualism, ambition and selfishness derived, generally, from capitalist policies.
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