Citizenship competencies in a flexible educational supported model by hypermedia narrative
civic education, diversification of education, educational technology, urban youth, HypermediaAbstract
Introduction: Flexible education models are proof that education is in constant transformation and requires meeting needs in context. Objective: This article explores the incidence of a didactic proposal, supported by hypermedia narrative, which allows working on citizenship competencies in a flexible education model designed for the urban context of the Mariscal Robledo Educational Institution in the city of Medellin, Colombia. Materials and methods: The participants were (14) eighth-ninth grade extra-age students belonging to the Flexible Education Model: Walking in Secondary School. A qualitative design was used, with an exploratory scope, and the sources of information were the workshop, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Results: The results illustrate that the use of hypermedia narratives, under specific didactic conditions, can be an interesting support resource; in addition, the process carried out gave them constant recognition and motivation, fundamental elements for their leveling based on the age-grade relationship, and that, with this, they continue with their studies. Conclusion: The hypermedia narratives in the teaching of citizenship competencies contribute to improve the permanence opportunities of the students in condition of extra-age and enhance their progress in the school system.
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