FoMOs Scale Assessment (Fear of Missing out Scale) inside the Colombian Context
FOMO, Validation, Scale, Social NetworksAbstract
Introduction: FoMOs scale (acronym in English to refer to Fear of Missing out Scale) pretends to assess an interrelation experience through technological mediation, the one that links up irregular disadvantages on the web users. In the same way, those consequences are given in morbid restlessness sensations because they are considered to be disconnected or unlinked from the social artificial reality. Objective: The present research has the main objective to determine psychometric properties of the FoMOs Colombian population. Methodology: The quantitative methodological design, that doesn’t make a part of experimental processes, with an empirical-analytical grasp, in company with a descriptive reaching, and originated from the transversal section. Results: At the time psychometric properties of the FoMO scale are
getting validated, it considers that their adjustment is opportune, and appropriate compared to the original prototype. Therefore, the internal consistency of the two models, Alfa, by Cronbach, and Omega, by McDonald, offer convenient results in that case (ω = .88; α = .79). Conclusion: The instrument analysis allows us to conclude that the FoMOs scale adaptation is valid and reliable for the FOMO syndrome assessment inside the Colombian context.
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