A Scientific mapping of the supply chain and technological application in the automotive industry
Supply chain, logistics, environment, information technology, automotive vehiclesAbstract
Introduction: The automotive industry implements and develops sustainability strategies to contribute to the environment in reducing the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse effect, which focus on improving the supply chain, and thus increase profitability, establish the ratio of risks in the operation and reduce costs. Objective: to carry out a scientific mapping of the supply chain and the application of technology in the automotive industry from 2010 to 2022. Methodology: information was collected through the Scopus database, and with the bibliometric tool Rstudio, records related to the number of publications, authors, journals, related institutions and countries on the chosen topic were analyzed. Results: Network analysis and co-citation analysis among authors are presented, and the focus, use and structure of the automotive sector are established and research areas are identified to identify future trends. Conclusions: three clusters are presented corresponding to knowledge, innovation and relationship strategies, risk management and control, and challenges in the adoption of information technologies and a line for future research.
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