Application of maternal jurisdiction in subrogated maternity contracts: challenges and challenges in the colombian legal order


  • Sergio Andrés Caballero Palomino Corporación Universitaria Remington
  • Johan Sebastián Lozano Parra Universidad Libre
  • Katerin Yulieth Cruz Cadena Corporación Universitaria Remington
  • Amanda Parra Cárdenas Colectivo Nacional de Abogados



Job stability, Maternity jurisdiction, Pregnant mother, Adoptive mother, Surrogate motherhood


Introduction: This article investigates the possibility of regulating the surrogate motherhood contract from the perspective of the employment relationship that may exist between the surrogate mother and the adoptive parents. So, the research objective is to analyze the
application of the maternity jurisdiction in surrogate motherhood contracts, as well as to outline the existence of a labor relationship. Research that was carried out using a correlational, descriptive and explanatory methodology. On which the main results obtained were, on the one hand, the multiplicity of possible employment relationships in the surrogate motherhood contract and on the other hand the maternity jurisdiction, which must be applied in a total
and partial way, depending on the surrogate mother or the adoptive mother. Finally, the main conclusions allow us to establish that there are three forms or modalities of employment relationship in such a way that since there is no strong regulation on the matter, there may be vicissitudes in its future application.


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2022-06-16 — Updated on 2024-07-05


How to Cite

Caballero Palomino, S. A., Lozano Parra, J. S., Cruz Cadena, K. Y., & Parra Cárdenas, A. (2024). Application of maternal jurisdiction in subrogated maternity contracts: challenges and challenges in the colombian legal order. Pensamiento Americano, 15(29), 139-151. (Original work published 2022)