The decentralization of science, technology and innovation (STI) capacities in Colombia
science, technological innovations, administrative decentralization, ColombiaAbstract
Introduction: The resources for Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in Colombia have traditionally been allocated to universities and research centers in the country's largest cities, where the majority of highly qualified researchers are located. This represents a distortion in relation to public policy criteria for balanced growth and capacity-building. Objective: The article aims to present how this distribution has traditionally been carried out by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Minciencias) for STI projects in the country (2014-2018), and how, through a coordinated process, it is possible to decentralize capacities by leveraging the human resources associated with the Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SoPhIC). Methodology: To achieve this, geospatial analysis and correlation techniques of competitiveness indicators, departmental category, and the Gini index were used. Results: revealed the capacity and availability of human resources, based on the services that can be offered from and for these regions. Conclusion: These findings demonstrated the possibility and necessity of decentralizing resources to efficiently harness highly qualified human resources.
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