Current Trends of the Procedure Civil in Colombia and its new progress towards a modern society


  • Luis Rafael Vergara Camargo Corporación Universitaria Americana


Procedure, justice, social development, normativities


Analyze the current approach of Civil Procedure in Colombia, is be closer to the social, political, economic and legal, and hence that every day we must rethink our place ourselves in context, legal normativities that solve problems in a timely manner about the relations that exist in our society are presented and are not far from our reality so as Colombia is a developing country, which is articulated to the global world, it is necessary to implement the legal tools to do more timely resolution of conflicts.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Vergara Camargo, L. R. (2012). Current Trends of the Procedure Civil in Colombia and its new progress towards a modern society. Pensamiento Americano, 5(8), 87-95.