The right to peace with a territorial approach and school coexistence: a comparative case study in Medellin, Colombia
The right to peace, Territorial approach, School coexistence, Armed conflict, Case study, Educational establishmentAbstract
This article reviews the concept of the Right to territorial peace from the convergences between the Peace Agreements of 2016 and the national regulations. It presents Medellin as a city that requires processes of construction and guarantees of the right to territorial peace, where the responsibility is not only of the State agents but also of the school. The main objective is Understand the relationship between the right to peace with a territorial approach and school coexistence from a comparative case study in the city of Medellín, Colombia. The specific objectives are developed, first, to
base territorial peace as a right and as a value, second, to recognize the different ways of building peace with a territorial approach within the Schools and, third, to analyze the appropriation of three Educational Institutions of the city of Medellín on school coexistence as particular scenarios for building peace with a territorial approach for children and adolescents. Methodologically a comparative case study is carried out in Medellin among Institución Educativa La Independecia, Institución Educativa José Roberto Vazquez and Institución Educativa La Candelaria. As a result, it was identified that school coexistence is not including a perspective of building peace from the territories. In conclusion, it is specified that to guarantee the right to peace, spaces for participation, inclusion and education are necessary in educational institutions.
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