Leadership Styles that generate Risk Factors in teaching work: High School Education
Teaching, Harassment, Educational environment, Leadership, Educational system, Occupational psychologyAbstract
Introduction: Psychosocial Risk Factors (PRF) in the workplace are a current topic that is visible in any type of organization, and the causes that originate them are diverse. Objective: The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate the correlation between certain leadership styles and the generation of Psychosocial Risk Factors in teaching work at a public high school educational institution located in Guadalupe, Zacatecas, México. Method: The research approach is quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, with a descriptive-correlational scope. For the collection of information, a self-developed instrument with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.865 was used, applied to a random sample of
50 teachers. Results: The findings reveal a statistically significant correlation between permissive and bureaucratic administrative styles and teacher harassment in three of its dimensions: physical, psychological, and economic aggression, the last two being the most recurrent. Conclusion: Leadership styles or administrative styles have a transcendent influence, affecting the physical and psychological health of the recipient.
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