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The anthropomorphization of the human-animal bond in family dynamics: A documentary review


  • Maria Cristina Correa Duque Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Valentina Posada Hoyos Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Anthropomorphization, Family, bonding, Human, Animal


Introduction: The study of the interaction between humans and companion animals has become more relevant due to changes in current social dynamics. Objective: To conduct a documentary review of the evolution of research on anthropomorphization
in animals and its impact on the human-animal bond characteristic of contemporary family dynamics. Methodology: This is a documentary review study supported by the Tree of Science (ToS) web tool for literature selection. The search was conducted in
Scopus and Web of Science. Thirty-one studies were included in the review. Results: The results were categorized into classical, structural and recent studies. It was found that the anthropomorphization of the animal and its inclusion in the family makes it possible to modify behaviors and establish habits in family life. The role of animals in the family scenario is directly influenced by the degree to which they are anthropomorphized, which generates both advantages and disadvantages for the family, the pets and their direct caregivers. Conclusions: Anthropomorphizing practices respond to contemporary changes in human relationships and perceived loneliness and may promote bonds in human-animal and human-human interactions.


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Author Biographies


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2024-05-15 — Updated on 2024-06-24


How to Cite

Correa Duque, M. C., Posada Hoyos , V., & Gómez Tabares, A. S. (2024). The anthropomorphization of the human-animal bond in family dynamics: A documentary review. Pensamiento Americano, 17(33), e-618. (Original work published 2024)