Psychosocial Educational Guidance Center as a retention and permanence strategy
psychological intervention, pedagogical orientation, university student, psychology of education, school performanceAbstract
- Introduction: In the CCAV de Facatativá Virtual Care Community Center of the National Open and Distance University (UNAD), students with difficulties in their academic process have been identified, reflected in low historical average, repetitive loss of courses, long stay at the institution with little progress in their studies making it difficult to complete their professional
training; Therefore, the need arises to create a Retention and Permanence strategy that allows support for students from the academic and personal spheres, which is why the Psychosocial Educational Guidance Center (COPE) was created. Objective: Create COPE as a retention and permanence strategy where timely attention is provided regarding the difficulties presented in the development of the educational process of CCAV de Facatativá students. Methodology: Qualitative research, with action research design, protocols, contact formats, semi-structured interviews, field notes and questionnaires were used to collect information. Results: Of the 49 users, 16 % were first-time students who continued their professionalization project with the university; 84 % corresponded to former students, of whom 81 % continued their academic process, and finally, 2 % of users decided to give up their academic training. Conclusions: It contributed to the promotion of personal reflection of users, and the potentialization of their personal resources, favoring the change of thoughts, emotions and/or behaviors in favor of
greater academic and personal well-being.
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