Effectiveness of Sentencia T-622/16 and biocultural rights
Biocultural Rights, Communities, Riverside Set, SustainabilityAbstract
Introduction: Effectiveness of the Colombian state, institutions and communities in the defense, promotion and guarantee of the biocultural rights of the populations located around the Atrato River, according to the rulings of the constitutional court in ruling
Sentencia T-622/16. Objective: This article was prepared with the purpose of examining the effectiveness of ruling Sentencia T-622/16 and sustainability of the biocultural rights of the Afro-Colombian communities of Chocó, and the influence on the living conditions
of the riverine communities. Methodology: The qualitative method was chosen as the study perspective, with respect to the materialization of ruling Sentencia T-622/16 and for its preparation, ethnographic studies, interviews with members of the community and joint bodies of guardians of the Atrato River were carried out. Results: Based on the study carried out and, it is inferred that the orders of the constitutional court in order to guarantee the protection of biocultural rights and preservation of the Atrato River have not had real consequences in the practical life of these ethnic communities. Conclusions: To conclude, state abandonment and institutional ineffectiveness threaten the sustainability of the biocultural rights of the community residents of the department of Chocó and impact their quality of life.
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- 2024-08-06 (2)
- 2024-06-24 (1)
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