Conception of copyrights related to music: analysis from its foundation
Artist, Author, Copyright, Professional morality, MusicAbstract
Introduction: This research article addresses the issue of copyright in the music industry through the conceptualisation of various notions that make up the spectrums of intellectual property rights. Objective: to analyse the doctrinal and legal role of copyright and related rights in the production of a musical work. Methodology: descriptive and explanatory, with an essentially qualitative basis for the way in which the information was collected and analysed. Results: This study made it possible to identify as a result a series of parameters that music as an artistic element has within the field not only of copyright, but also from a purely criminal perspective, in which it is identified as from the creation of a harmony or even a rhythm, the phenomenon of plagiarism can exist or be detected. Conclusion: It was identified that music as a product of human thought, the same as any other activity of the person, has a series of rights ranging from the patrimonial, to the moral, which are subject to legal protection.
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- 2024-09-09 (3)
- 2024-08-06 (2)
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