No punishment for crimes committed by teens in the middle of the colombian armed conflict
Restorative justice, Criminal policy, Crime prevention, JuvenilesAbstract
Introduction: The article examines the non-punishability of crimes committed by minors under 18 and over 14 years of age in Colombia. Objective: to clarify why the non-punishment of such conducts is part of the law applicable to adolescents. In addition, the justification behind the application of restorative justice in the juvenile criminal field is presented, as well as the use of premial and negotiated justice in this context. Methodology: The research was carried out using an analysis-synthesis methodology within the framework of a qualitative and descriptive socio-legal study. The text also describes how transitional justice is implemented in Colombia, especially restorative justice, to address the legal-criminal problems arising from the non-international armed conflict. Results: In order to obtain the results, secondary sources that address the sanctions applied to adolescents involved in criminal law for acts committed during the Colombian armed conflict were used. Conclusions: Finally, the reasons behind the decision not to impose sanctions on those who, being minors, committed crimes in this context are analyzed.
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