Dirección, Radio, Mujer, Belleza, Novelas radiales, MaestraResumo
El trabajo de Caridad Marti?nez ha estado i?ntimamente ligado a la direccio?n de radionovelas ge?nero donde se ha distinguido por la profesionalidad que la caracteriza. Tambie?n es una excepcional maestra e investigadora consagrada, lo que le ha permitido descubrir el secreto profundo de la vida humana, sus conflictos, sus vicios, sus grandezas, y ese espi?ritu de pasio?n, y amor que mueven a los hombres, y sacuden lo ma?s profundo de su esencia, lo cual refleja en sus escritos con admirable delicadeza. El secreto de Caridad Marti?nez esta? en esa entrega total e incondicional a todo lo que hace, en ella la necesidad de hacer sus realizaciones todo lo mejor posible es parte esencial de su formacio?n y de su vida. El medio, los compan?eros, y el sentir la imperiosa necesidad de ser me- jor es lo que la gui?a a transformar la fealdad en belleza , la maldad en amor, el intere?s mezquino en bondad, lo cual ha recreado en cada una de las novelas que ha dirigido y plasmado en sus ensen?anzas y en la educacio?n de sus hijos en donde cristaliza la brillantez de obra.
Palabras clave: Direccio?n, Radio, Mujer, Belleza, Novelas radiales, Maestra.
Caridad Martinez ?s work has been intimately bound to the direction of soap operas’ radio gender where she has been distinguished for the professionalism that characterizes it. She is also an exceptional teacher and consecrated investigator, what has allowed him to discover the deep secret of the human life, their conflicts, their bad habits, their greatness, and that spirit of passion, and love that move the men, and they shake the deepest in their essence, that which reflective in their writings with admirable fineness.
The secret of Caridad Marti?nez is in that total and unconditional delivery to everything that she makes, in her the necessity to make his realizations all the better one possible it is an essential part of his formation and of his life. The means, the partners, and feeling the imperious necessity to be better is it that the guide to transform the ugliness in beauty, the wickedness in love, the mean interest in kindness, that which has recreated in each one of the novels that has directed and captured in their teachings and in the education of their children where crystallizes the work brightness.
Keywords: Direction, Radio, Woman, Beauty, Soap Opera’s radial, Teacher.
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