



Political Participation, Woman, Democracy, Election


Introduction/objective: This text develops substantial aspects on the political participation of Colombian women in all their orders, as a method or formula to guarantee the fundamental exercise of the right to choose and be elected within the framework of a
democratic State. Materials and methods: To this end, an analysis is made of the protective legal framework that promotes the participation of women in government and administration, as well as the promotion of the political participation of this as a formula for the construction of peace with a territorial approach. Results: It outlines the legal norms that introduce affirmative actions in favor of women as they are: the minimum quotas of nomination to positions
of free appointment and removal, as well as in positions of popular election. , among others. An analysis of the participation of women from the Territories is also carried out, with a review of the fulfilment of the legal quota for women’s political representation in positions of popular representation. Similarly, important clarifications are made with regard to the implementation of the Peace Agreement with
regard to guarantees that promote women’s political participation as a means of building peace. Conclusions: It reaffirms the need to reclaim the political rights of women that have been violated over the years and calls for the various democratic mechanisms in place
to achieve a stable and lasting peace.


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2021-05-01 — Updated on 2021-06-15




Legal sciences

How to Cite

Bolaño García, B. H. ., & de la Hoz del Villar, K. . (2021). WOMEN’S POLITICAL PARTICIPATION: DEMOCRACY AND PEACEBUILDING. Pensamiento Americano, 14(27), 81-93. https://doi.org/10.21803/penamer.14.27.457 (Original work published 2021)