

  • Ana Claudia Delfini C. de Oliveira




With great pleasure we present this issue of the journal Pensamiento Americano. Since 2008, Pensamiento
Americano has contributed to the increase in scientific research, striving for the quality of discussions
developed by renowned researchers in their respective areas. On this issue, it is not the exception. In
its twelfth volume, the journal set out topics that dialogue with the main contemporary dilemmas: environmental
issues, legal discussions, gender violence, new information technologies and labour conditions, education, armed
conflicts, suicidal behaviors, intergenerational differences, globalization and alternative justice, artistic and cultural
aspects are the issues that make up the analytical framework of this edition


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2019-01-09 — Actualizado el 2019-06-01

Cómo citar

Delfini C. de Oliveira, A. C. . (2019). Editorial. Pensamiento Americano, 12(23), 13-15. https://doi.org/10.21803/pensam.v12i23.325