Working memory and academic performance, in university students of a private institution of the Municipality of Bello, Antioquia
Academic performance, Working memory, Cognitive processesAbstract
A non-probabilistic, correlational postfactual study was carried out, whose objective was the correlation between work memory and academic performance, in a group of 50 university students, belonging to a private university in the Municipality of Bello, Colombia. Median difference tests were performed, using Kruskal Wallis and association measures using Spearman's Rho. To this end, the statistical package Stata 15.0 is included in the results, the associations statistically include the academic average and the working memory index of the WAIS 3: with a Rho of 0.33; Associations were also found with the sub-scales Essays 1 and 3.
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- 2020-06-15 (6)
- 2024-07-31 (5)
- 2020-06-01 (4)
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